Happily Ever After

It's NEVER too late to live, HAPPILY ever after!



Monday, May 11, 2009

New Adventures

In Arizona there are different bugs, creatures and animals, that we had to get used to. We also had to warn the kids about some of the dangers involved that we weren't used to. Like Scorpions, Black Widows, Rattle Snakes and more. When we first moved down here, we had our first experience with a Scorpion. We found a small one inside Ceejae's bedroom on the floor. The girls were playing and messing with it. I could hear them talking about how it looks like a worm. So I went in there to check it out and it was a very small Scorpion, and it was kind of a clear yellow color. They say the smaller the deadlier! Cody wasn't home so I went and got the neighbor to come and kill it. He said it was already dying, probably because the pest control people had been there to spray. We were really lucky that nobody was stung! They will sting you over and over again with there tail. I heard it feels like a Bee sting, only a lot worse! Anyways, we were told that if we see another one, it is best to mash it with a shoe or something like that. But we are lucky because we haven't seen one since! However, we have seen lots of lizards, in fact a few weeks ago I found a big one in the backyard. Usually they are pretty small, and really quick, but this one has been living there for a while, because he was pretty big for being in the backyard. I took a picture!